International company uses DingTalk for communication and collaboration



Requirement:Multinational collaboration

When did you start using DingTalk?

Our company has offices in 11 countries and regions. We needed a platform that everyone could download and use easily, no matter where they were based. What also needed to be taken into consideration was that Singapore had been in partial lockdown due to the COVID-19, so many of us were required to work from home. At the recommendation of colleagues, we began to work with DingTalk.

How did you work before using DingTalk?

We used other communication tools before this, but felt they were difficult to use in relation to what we needed. Furthermore, once any employees left the company, it was very difficult to retrieve their files and documents, in accordance with our company policies.

Why did you decide to use DingTalk?

We needed an all-in-one office platform that could be downloaded and used by colleagues around the world. For example, some communication tools are not accessible to our colleagues in China.

Also, though we are not traveling as much as before, due to COVID-19, we still have a lot of meetings to attend. We chose DingTalk as it is a very comprehensive online collaboration platform, with features such as an intelligent attendance function that promotes time and people management, and easy communication throughout the company. We started using DingTalk with one team in Singapore, but soon all branches around the world moved their organizational structure to DingTalk. Now we are all working on DingTalk.

What is your work experience with DingTalk?

We often communicate with branches in different countries. When I want to talk to any colleague, I just type his name in DingTalk then I can find him and start chat immediately. This has improved our communication efficiency enormously - no more having to wait.

What is your most frequently used feature on DingTalk?

Most frequently, we use video meeting and voice meeting, which enables colleagues from different places to join in the same discussion. In addition, the large file transfer feature is very useful. For example, if we need to distribute a video throughout the company, we’ve found that many platforms have a file-transfer size limit. In the past, we would have to switch between platforms to send videos and larger PPTs via emails, without knowing whether the recipients had even read them or not. Now, with DingTalk, it is so convenient to send large files directly and check whether read or unread.

What expectations do you have of DingTalk?

We can communicate on DingTalk with each other in our own languages as DingTalk has a very good AI translation function, but the accuracy of translation needs to be improved continually.

Which features on DingTalk have you been pleasantly surprised by?

On the morning of April 24th 2020, we held a general meeting using DingTalk, joined by a total of 200+ colleagues from all our branch offices worldwide. It is fantastic to be able to have colleagues all over the world getting together for a meeting.

And when we reply to other people's messages on DingTalk, the conversation thread is automatically created; once you click on a message, you will see the entire discussion in the thread so you can get to grips with the whole story and make decisions quickly. When you see a colleague’s achievement, you can directly like it or send an emoji, which is a nice touch.

The intelligent attendance feature is also very useful, as it has improved our personnel management hugely.

How did you manage personnel management and attendance before?

In the past, when employees arrived at the company, they would have to notify their supervisors of the time of their arrival. Now, with DingTalk smart attendance, supervisors can just take a look at the attendance report, thus saving a lot of personnel management time.

Is it difficult to use DingTalk?

DingTalk is not difficult to use; we have adapted to using DingTalk with remarkable ease.

Would you recommend DingTalk to others?

If a friend asked us how to hold a general staff meeting or how to work together smoothly in an online office environment, we would definitely recommend DingTalk to them.